It seems that we are not on our TV's, look at a newspaper or look at the Internet news and do not find that is something we took for granted for years, now can do bad for us.

The vegetables we eat are less nutritious because of the impoverishment of the soil they're grown in, is to fatten our meat with antibiotics, stuffed animals, the air we breathe is polluted and even the toys our children play are dangerous.

What's next?

Well, the latest articlesgo on the list, the plastic containers we are to love and use daily. They are now as a source of danger to the health of our children and ourselves. Well, what can these wonderful plastic bottles and containers harmful? It appears that the alleged perpetrator of a petrochemical called bisphenol A (BPA), which show one of the ingredients, the plastic bottles and containers, hard and clear.

Who is to say, you ask?

Well, certainly not the people who manufacture theseArticles. They will say over and over again that "something of BPA," the bases of the plastic bottles and containers for continuous service is not a harm to babies and the rest of us humans.

However, government finances and the University funded studies have proven otherwise.

So who do we believe? This choice is entirely yours.

A recent report in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives surveyed 115 (104 Government / University) (11 industries) studies that were carried outBPA. They reported that showed 90 percent (94) of the Government and / or university-sponsored study, adverse effects, while all 11 of the industry showed no ill effects.

In laboratory tests done by the Consumers Union, (people who turned out the Consumer)'s report found that small amounts of the additive BPA leach from plastic baby bottles and may eventually end up in the babies milk. Although the amount of bisphenol A, which ended in the milk was "small" (one part perBillion) - Dr. Edward Groth, a senior scientist at Consumers Union, said that even the "small" quantity "was close enough to a level that the real" has been the effect on the animals. "

"The effect is of concern, here is an interruption of the development process. This could affect intelligence. One might influence behavior. It may occur effects on learning ability. It might be the ability to reproduce, may impair fertility many years after exposure."

If you are interested, the testing was carried outin mice and rats, which normally are the most things will be tested. It seems that the low doses of BPA cause structural damage to the brain, hyperactivity, abnormal sexual behavior, increased fat formation, early puberty and disrupted reproductive cycles.

Dr. Patricia A. Hunt, PhD, Genetic abnormalities expert at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, said she did not show in tests on mice and rats, damage to the ova of female mice. The bottom line is, if theseCells try to divide, their chromosomes are not correctly line. In humans, this could lead to a miscarriage, birth defects or mental retardation, according to Dr. Hunt. About 6 billion tons of bisphenol A are used each year to make polycarbonate, which holds the plastic products from brittle over time.

The chemical bond that bisphenol A forms in plastic can unravel when it is heated, washed or exposed to acidic foods so that the chemical in the liquorFood. Almost all plastic baby bottles in the U.S. are made of this material and so many common food containers, water storage bottles, aluminum cans have liners and even some types of seals.

Other animal studies, BPA has low sperm count, obesity, small testes size and associated enlarged prostate, but Dr. Hunt is the first study showing that BPA may have an impact on our future generations. The interesting thing is that the mice drank out of old babyBottles.

The debate goes on with the industry say there is nothing to fear, and say the government and studies, there is great cause for concern.

What is my opinion? There are plastic baby bottles and containers that are not with BPA, and I would make diligent search in the internet and the market to find them. I would not heat food in plastic containers, I would throw away all the old plastic container that I have, as the older they are, the more the BPA ispercolate said. I would start with more glass and ceramic containers at home.

My impression is that the new plastic bottles of drinking water or a soft drink is relatively safe, but I would not re-use the bottles, as do most of us. And if I am pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant I want to stay away from all plastic, if at all possible.

The jury is still out and the debate is not yet complete, but I would stay on the safe side, especially when I was a baby orexpects.

Think about it and make your own decision.

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