Some people go ahead and vote the Democratic ticket to justify Junior Senator Barrack Obama and Senior Senator and listened to the debates and public discourse on their election and vote. On the one hand, we have a new corner of Barrack Obama, is all the changes, and although he is not explicitly stated what he is going to change, you change sure sounds good to many Americans, Right About Now.

As Junior Senator Barrack Obama is riding on a platform of change, some voterswere taken by surprise by his pick for Vice President. Senator Joe Biden is one of the longest-running four members of the U.S. Senate. Worse still, Joe Biden has been making numerous comments on issues of world politics is very disturbing that our allies such as stating that "Israeli officials have, on the idea that Iran agree to acquire nuclear weapons."

Why did he say that, well, since sanctions do not work and the U.S. will take care not step up to the plate and the problem;Meanwhile, Russia said it would return to Iran, if Iran is attacked. For these reasons, "said Senator Joe Biden, he would not open for further enlargement of military options, or a diplomatic front against Iran. What does this mean?

This means that Senator Joe Biden is a response to an Iran with nuclear weapons, nothing to do, even if the Iranian leadership has promised to blow Israel off the map and has been promoting and supporting international terrorist organizations. So, if SenatorObama and Senator Biden get elected is to ask how long to run until the terrorists to nuclear weapons? The answer is not long and we can only guess what could be the first targets terrorists, and therefore I ask all American voters to think on this and vote accordingly.

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