In the world of Crime Scene Investigation, there are three types of fingerprints show that up to a crime scene. In this article I will try to explain what are the three types of fingerprints.

In general, fingerprints in three species that are dependent on how and where they had left behind. A fingerprint found on a greasy wall is much easier to find than a visible on a plastic Wal-Mart bag left without substance.

The three types of fingerprints asfollows:

Patent happen fingerprints when a medium such as grease, dirt, blood, ink or paint on the fingers of the perpetrator of a crime leaves behind an easily accessible fingerprint that is visible to the naked eye.
Plastic fingerprints have to pass through a three-dimensional characteristic, and if the offender knowingly or unknowingly presses a fingerprint in a soft medium such as margarine, soap, seal, wax, Silly Putty, or even dust.
Latent fingerprintsare not visible to the naked eye and can not see without special lighting conditions or special means of processing.

Be photographed, the first two types of fingerprints, patent and plastic, too. The photo can be used for comparison. Many times, the fingerprint is illuminated at a slight angle to increase the contrast. However, very little else is required, and documented by those deductions capable of being. If the offender does not leave any visible fingerprintsIdentification is still likely to get harder but in any case. The tools for the detection of fingerprints can be as simple as a penlight or black powder as demanding as chemical reactions, Super Glue, or lasers. Regardless of which technique police use is on the surface, depending on the fingerprint is based. Be used for harder surfaces, powders in general, and chemicals are required to do significantly more on porous surfaces. Some fingerprints visible under ultravioletLight source, or even a small flashlight.

The next time you see your favorite CSI program, you will get an insight on the terms patent, plastic, and latent fingerprints.

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