Was Peter the First Pope?
Oh yes, Peter was pope, and the cow jumped over the moon, and he even divorced his wife so that he could be celibate for the job so well and then the little dog laughed to see such fun and Teller went with the spoon!
I wonder whether 'Petros' wearing all those fancy robes? If he has one of the Philistine god Dagon, fish hats, sold the eternal life, and opened a Swiss bank account, the profit from its religious activities to keep?
Matthew, Chapter 16, and all that blasphemousPeter, the Pope nonsense revealed for what it is - a total of Christian religious humbug.
Look how Matthew 16 opened!
Verse 1: The Pharisees also with the Sadducees came (ie the first century of religious men), and tempting, asked him that he would show them a sign from heaven. (Brackets mine).
Immediately, we the people of religion (religious intellectuals) and various legalists, 'i' yolk and "t" to excess or mosquito screens have tried our Lord and asked him for a sign.This means they were asking for few a conjuring tricks or a little mystical magic, for they loved all that sorcery stuff, and still do!
Verse 2: Our Lord begins to rebuke them and by verse 4 He has confronted them with their satanic worldliness and lack of Spiritual understanding. They can tell what the weather will be like, like any human being can, and yet they were ignorant of the times they were living in i.e. the time of Our Lord and Saviour and/or their Messiah and Saviour, as predicted in their sacred writings, which should be an authority on. Do you see parallels to today, people? I hope so, depends on your mental well-being of it!
Verse 5: The disciples had forgotten to bring bread
Verse 6: The Lord Jesus warns his disciples about the leaven of the doctrine of sin (legalistic keeping bid blasphemers), the Pharisees and Sadducees - the men of religion. Please note, we must be aware also that this "leaven" or inflatedvain arrogant attitude has never gone away, it is still with us today, taught by men of religion, 2008 (21.-century Pharisees) with their non-gospel of salvation by religious rites and / or salvation by works / process. We must also understand that nothing much changed in nearly 2000 years. Religion is religion, the religion, whether Jewish, Roman Catholic, Orthodox or Muslim - it's all the same and it's all pointless, in vain, it was nonsense. You must also know that inthe eyes of the Father and the Son, it has no value - it is worthless and useless.
To learn Ok, we continue, verse 7: the disciples in their slowness or in their thinking than men, instead of thinking as spiritual disciples, believe that the Lord is referring to the bread they forgot to bring.
Verse 8, the Lord Jesus is to use very quickly to know to make their thoughts and to punish them for their slowness in learning and behavioral focus as well as the Pharisees with their carnal andagenda, i.e. worrying about the trivial physical things of this life. The Lord Jesus now turns this episode into a lesson in faith and faith now becomes the subject and thrust of this chapter and nothing else. We must take on board at this point in the narrative that this chapter is not about people or any particular individual; it's only about Spirituality and faith.
So, moving on, the Lord asks in verses 9 & 10: Have you forgotten my miracles already, the Lord enquires of them?
Verse 11 & 12: The Lord explains again and they finally understand.
As I have already made clear and hope you understand too, that religionists (Pharisees and Sadducees) are still with us in this world today. Nearly all Christian churches and denominations are led by them and if you are a Born Again son or daughter of God you need to separate yourselves from these people as soon as possible, for they will only lead you astray and separate you from your Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Verse 13: The chapter moves on now, geographically, to Caesarea Philippi and the issue of faith is resumed as the Lord Jesus and his disciples stressed questions, she asked: "Who do people think that I, the Son of man, I? " The Lord Jesus asks this question, see if anyone out there among the lost, apart from the students present, has the faith, as it would take too much confidence, lost in a world verbalize and confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord orMessiah.
Verse 14: The disciples tell Our Lord that some people say He is John the Baptist, some say He is Elijah and others that He is Jeremiah or one of the prophets.
Verse 15: Then comes the big question - the biggest and most important question ever asked of human beings - "But whom say ye that I am?" The Lord Jesus, here, is testing their belief and faith, directly.
Verse 16: Peter then answers with a Spiritual nuke! Make no mistake; his reply to this question is as significant as the creation of Adam and Eve. We must never underestimate this moment in the history of mankind. This is the first human beings ever have a direct communication from the Father, and then uses the information in his answer to the question of the Lord.
Confirm Verse 17: "And for it, says the Lord Jesus, Peter, blessed as he, the recipient of the first Fatherly communication:
Matt 16:17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon son of Jonah:for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.
This, dear readers, is the pivotal verse of this chapter, not the verse that follows it. This verse tells us exactly what is going on here and it shows us that Peter has been singled out by the Father to be the vessel to impart this awesome information. Let's be clear, too, this information could have been given to any of the other disciples there present if the Father had so desired.
OK, the Lord Jesus then utters, what many in mainstream Christianity thinks is, a controversial statement, but it is not controversial at all, it's just another example of a contaminated translation in English Holy Bibles. Contaminated by the same men of religion I mentioned above - the men of the Christian Religion who translated the New Testament from the Greek into English in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Verse18: And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Then again, as it is written in the original Greek:
And I do not (yet also say to you), that you are Peter and upon this rock I will be building called by me (ecclesia) are and gates will not go unnoticed stronging (to be dominant) from her. (Emphasis added)
Now the decisive clue megga word "this" and then "The Rock". Have you noticed, not to say that the Lord Jesus Christ: "You?" The Lord JesusChrist does not say, "Now Peter, on you I am going to build my church". So what is the 'rock', that is the Lord Jesus is talking about, because it certainly is not Peter? Peter Cephas = = gravel or stone, not a rock. So what is the real problem here? Simply, it was Peter statements of belief and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ gave to Peter by the Father through the Holy Spirit. Therefore the word "this" is used herein in this context. It is definitely not something intangible somethingtangible. Now, to support this, as declared by the Greek rendition, how to build the church of the Lord Jesus Christ, and he says it plainly: "I am called to me the building or ecclesia - church" is not from Peter. The Lord Jesus Christ is clearly and unambiguously, that built his Church, the Church of God in him and through faith in him and nobody else will. You need to get this basic fact through your heads people, if you are from those who believelies of the Christian Religion.
We now move on to yet more contaminations of the Holy Word of God:
Verse 19: And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Now what are these 'keys' of the Kingdom of Heaven/God, which, according to the Roman Catholic organisation, were supposedly given to Peter and to Peter alone? First we need to recognize that the "keys" are symbolic, not literal. They are representative of a spiritual dimension, but what spiritual dimension? Quite simply, the "key" a presentation of the Gospel message, for it is only through hearing that message through the preaching of the faith that a human being who saved his father and his son can be called:
Romans 10:17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.
Galatians 3:2 This only would I learn from you, Received Did you see the spirit ofthe works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?
The other "key" to be followed, repentance, baptism, the gift of the Holy Spirit and the gifts of grace through faith, and put faith or belief in our Lord Jesus Christ, these are the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven / God. These "keys" are those that would receive the Peter and all the other students in our Lord's death, resurrection and ascension. We do not understand it, is a special gift for Peter alone, and believe that it ispure fantasy or mythical Roman Catholic gobble-de-gook. All those who would teach in the future, including all the other apostles would have this gift, this ability to bring the power of God to the people to the Lord Jesus Christ - was the people of the father / is required, his son, brings us to the next part of the verse, which I will recopy here:
Verse 19, part two: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will beloosed in heaven.
As stated, here is another evil corruption of the Holy Scriptures. The second part of this verse as written in the Greek has the opposite meaning to what is written in the KJV, and I quote:
And which if ever you should be binding on the land (earth), shall be, having been bound in the heavens.
So here is a revelation; whatever Peter binds on earth will have already been bound in heaven, first. He, like all of us Born Again sons of God will be harvesting the unsecured, in the authentic spirit of those who suited his father and cried. Peter is definitely not given, where a special magistrate or a special position. The Lord Jesus Christ is in authority and he does not need a man here on earth with authority. In return, we can see who is behind this corruption of the Scriptures. Who would win by a snake in the grass contamination of the Holy Word of God? Easy, the Roman Catholic Church counterfeit that has only the myth of Peter beingthe first pope, on the base to the ground. Make no mistake people, without this fantastic idea of Peter, Pope, Rome is just a sad house of cards, and Peter the Pope is right card at the end of this feeble structure. Pull it out and entire buildings together only damaged.
The same applies to the corruption of the next part of this verse: In the Greek: and what you are on the ground that he loosed in heaven.
These were direct instructions fromThe Lord Jesus, not only Peter, but all the disciples. Relaxation here means exemption from the law, and that is the lesson that Peter had to learn later about the dietary laws. Peter was referred by Paul on this error. Well, if Peter was head of the Church as it comes go a ticking off by Paul, who had not minced his words? If Peter had been head of the church, it is not possible, he would be such a severe reprimand from someone who has been a lower order. This is again moreEvidence that Peter had no power over his fellow men.
Now a final point, Roman Catholic, their illusions and nonsense about Peter the first Pope will hand the fact that Peter is known to defend a Cephas for the first time. Cephas is Aramaic for Peter and Peter was as Peter or Cephas at the outset; cf. Mt 4:18 known. As he followed the Lord Jesus himself, he was already known as Peter or Cephas. It is therefore irrelevant, in which Jesus'sName Matt in 16 other than to emphasize that he was the first man to identify his Savior. It is pure make believe to point out that Peter was chosen specifically about his colleagues, especially if it's John, the loved the Lord:
John 21:7 Therefore that disciple whom Jesus loved saith unto Peter ....
Here's another question: If Peter was pope, why is it not mentioned in Scripture? Let's face it, would have such a big event and big parties involvedannouncements across the Roman world, but what do we get, nothing, not so much as a whimper about it, and why? Why, because it never took place? Here though we now enter into a bit of a mystery, for there was someone in Rome who did head up and start the counterfeit church, but his name certainly wasn't Simon Barjona. Interestingly enough, his name was Simon - Simon the sorcerer and I will be revealing him in detail in another article.
Finally, if you are or were the least bit unsure of The Rock is the (it can only be a rock) you can read here from 1 Corinthians 10:4:
"And they all drink the same spiritual drink, for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ." Peter was never the rock, can only be to the Lord Jesus Christ, that Rock is no ordinary man - as the rock of the situation and defeat is an evil heresy, blasphemy.
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