Poverty and Media
Humans are curious by nature and always remains in new and new things to do. Poverty has many dimensions, and quenches the thirst of the people in this regard. He always comes strange, weird and strange happenings on the grounds of poverty. Mother killed her children, a father, his family killed and ate a brother who is sick, while his little sisters and brother died of starvation. All these labels are the descendants of adverse poverty. Hunger is the worst thing in this world. When one is hungry, he can sellhis honor, his home and his relatives. It is a curse and a "Anaconda", which gnaw at the roots of humanity. It is shown to be discussed not only the media but also in the meetings and seminars. The UN has included them in its Millennium Development Goals. It is always a hot topic in the world. The most powerful nations of the world are not free from this spell.
Many people are dying of hunger and unavailability of eatables in the advanced countries. AfterFacts and figures from the United Nations, more than 25,000 deaths each day due to non-availability of food. This means that a person is dying in every four seconds. The children are the worst victims of poverty around the world.
Irony of the situation is that there will be plenty of food, in the reservoirs of the world. Despite the stock piles of food that is not the same for the hungry and the poor. The poor have no money to buy food and they are not living in the situation. Constant hungermakes them weak and they were not working in the situation. This unemployment breaks his neck and they fell down and down into the abyss of poverty and hunger.
This vicious circle ends in unfortunate deaths of these unfortunate people. The world is watching these unfortunate people are dying just because of the lack of a few dollars. Not only a man dies, but his family is starving and forced to disappear from the face of the earth. World media and organizations world they forget it after youdeath headline on the face of their journals. No one comes to pay food or money. Only word juggling is to keep the meetings and seminars, which are in the news and we carried his own image as a humanitarian.
Poverty is ridiculous instead redeemed. Represented the poor and made a play on the bare feet and deprived of souls to the media. It is done in the name of good faith, but it is not even out of simple faith nonsense.
The UN --is captured by the profiteers and pseudo-governmental organizations, whose sole purpose is to pack up and pile of money by hook or by crook. These individuals and organizations are trying their best to stay in the spotlight. Their goal is to simulate the humanism. You want people and governments of the world, to praise their work. They influence the people by their false image. This is one of the reasons that poverty is the most important messages. Few organizations are trying, honest and responsible rescue plansthe starving people. Such programs need advertising and public relations. This also makes poverty an important message. Finally, one can say that will be published overt and covert objectives and remain in the news are the causes of poverty in the most important news and debate on all fora include.
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