In the world of web copywriters, many try but few will succeed. What will you be classified as a category? Hopeless failure or success?

Well, this is a silly question, right? You want to be successful, of course! You know you razzle-dazzle 'em with your knock-em-out, drag-em-down copywriting skills. They even have a power-packed portfolio to prove it. So what is the problem then?

The problem is that the Web is overflowing with texts talent. ACopywriter on the net is a bit like a Friday evening concert at Madison Square Garden for some great headliners. In this vast audience, you're just a tiny little spot.

Similarly, in the elbow to elbow, web-copywriting arena, you're not much of a prominent, even if you have that high and easily collected copywriting you sing your heart out. Why? Because what others are doing!

Consider this analogy a step further. If you wanted to get noticed at a jam-packedConcert stadium, what would you do? You could sneak through the crowd, naked, and then bum-rush the stage. Think of the headlines! "Naked Crazed Fan Mauls Bono on stage MSG." That would get some attention, right? (Although I do not recommend you do this effectively, how to find himself in prison).

So when one thinks of the bare stage trick as attention attracting rush, what you do, perhaps the attention of people HOLD? One might beginVisitors to five concerts a week all over the country and moved in the same trick in each! You could build you rep for the Notorious Naked Concert Crusader.

What does this analogy have to do with being a web copywriter?

You're going to have something unique, unusual or outrageous to do, come talk to people on the Web about you. This means thinking gutsy theme for your site.

Once you run and your topic ideas, like our concertCrusader, you have to keep feeding new material to your next. They are doing this in the form of article marketing.

Start submitting articles on the website. Write this on your signature theme, which could ever be. Are you Wordfarmer? The Word Wrangler? Copying Cowboy? Create a great and extraordinary person and then the word about your services and handwriting, in hundreds of articles on the Web for distribution.

Still not convinced? Try itand see for yourself what is a brand with personality and a clear message for your business texts. Or you can always just get naked.

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

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