Dealing with the difficult issue of abortion
Obviously, the issue of abortion is something that most people do not even talk about the desire for more, but I do. I was just a program the other day said: "Unborn in the USA, Inside the War on Abortion," and it says on the cover, as the pro-lifers Are Winning.
The program was very one-sided and only rarely provided a pro-choice opinion. The film looks like the Christian Right made, directed and produced, and there have definitely not changed my mindAbortion.
At the end of the film there was a woman who said she was a Catholic Christian and she does not like pictures of aborted fetuses on large posters that were in the presence of young children to see. She made her statement while the movie cameras were filming her while she was raised in a Christian leader.
What happened next was something that struck me the totally unexpected. The Christian leaders called her the daughter of Satan. I did not hear it clearly, tohe made a comment that was similar and the lady who played crazy and started to beat and repeatedly suggests.
The police came and took away the woman, while the church leaders stood with a small baby in his arms. He pushed the woman over the edge and apparently they apparently pushed him over the edge too. Abortion is a sensitive issue, and if you go as part of the struggle, one should expect that every once in a while injured.
I am definitely pro-choice and IDoubts as to whether someone wants to change my mind. I believe that women can make their own decisions about situations like this and should never be used as a baby container.
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