Cat dandruff is an infamous trigger allergies and asthma, which often stands in the way of owning a cat lover, or even wholly owned by her cat. Here are 7 answers to questions about work around cat dander to help you better with her, even a cat, and let the cat you already enjoy the love even more.

What is Cat dandruff? In two words - dead skin. All warm-blooded animals to produce, and it is the natural way to make room for new and healthier skin,longer able to resist, diseases and infections. Your cat will continue to shed skin, as long as he is alive to produce.

Can you see it? Contrary to what many believe is dander invisible to the naked eye. The human eye is capable of substances to see about 30 microns and larger. Dander ranges defined in the size of 0.5 to 10 microns with a Micron as one millionth of a meter. And to give you an example of a micron-size, it takes more than 25,000Micron to one centimeter.

What makes such a strong allergy and asthma trigger it? It is actually the protein to the hair root and under the tongue (Felis domesticus allergen I), that sneezing, itching, congestion and other symptoms trigger, the sensitivity to varying degrees in. How do you groom your cat licks itself through his fur, saliva is deposited on the fur. When dry, flakes, they can go off and fall air, or on everything from your homeSofas to curtains to the carpet on the floor. Inhalation of these sub-micron size particles then causes a reaction.

Are there cats that do not produce dander? All cats produce dander, and there is no such thing as a hypoallergenic cat. It is generally assumed that some other breeds produce less dander, but in an article by Steven Steinberg The Dallas Morning News, Dr. James R. Richards, director of the Feline Health Center at Cornell Universitysays: "I am nothing of all the studies show that any one race less allergen than others, or that one breed produces lower Fel d 1.

Can I still own a cat? The answer to this question is a clear, perhaps. The best way to tell whether a cat is to have an opportunity, as you spend some time with the cat, day, do you think about adoption at different times, allergies and asthma are usually worse at night. If you are able to tolerate his presencewithout side effects, then go for it. Just be aware that your tolerance is better or worse, and that your tolerance will vary with different cats change.

What can be done to reduce sensitivity to dander? There are a number of methods to reduce your symptoms, including prescribed and over the counter medication. You can also reduce many of his candidate for allergy shots that the sensitivity of slowly increasing the dander allergen onMonths. The hope is that your body will react as much a threat, so that you can comfortably tolerate more dander.

Can anything be done to the skin cells keep? Fortunately, there are a number of steps that you can make. Consult your veterinarian about shampoo and frequency of the baths, and bathe your cat. Use a HEPA vacuum to remove, them from the floor furniture and window treatments. Use to remove a HEPA air cleaner for cat out of the shedAir.

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