Imprisonment and flogging for Acting Impudent in Saudi Arabia
In times of messages from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia seems to be more stories with Alice in Wonderland theme as credible reporting.
Some of the laws are so bizarre, you come to expect freakish reports. One set of straps for the "girl from Qatif," the victim of a rape ... or poor people like Al-Haidi Mutaif, a young Saudi whose joke about the Prophet Muhammad had brought him years in prison.
However, a recent news report had me staring.
Judge Saudal-Boushi sentenced 20 foreigners to prison terms of three to four months and lashing for the crime of "cheeky party" in Jeddah.
What exactly is "naughty party? Night owls, all waving their middle fingers in the direction of Mecca to the beats of Notorious BIG? Mooning group focused on the passing limousines Saudi royalty?
No nothing quite as scandalous. These people were dancing - dancing with members of the opposite sex in the usual time honoredManner.
They were not naked and circling provocatively. No table dancers or turn signals. Only basic no-frills dance. How outrageous! Ignore the rumors that have sheiks into the kingdom reportedly contribute to well-heeled sex traffickers to obtain and hold up to all sorts of hanky panky in her palace romper room ... Instead of foreign infidels who have the audacity to dance to concentrate!
It gets worse. The naughty ones were not only can dance - they filmed whileDancing. This corresponds to a charge of "serious impudence," as narcissistic voyeurism is also coming. The culprits were not just as insolent, brash, recorded on video but their disco moves with the intention of cheeky look after.
No wonder that Judge Saud al-Boushi was deeply shocked. Some of them were even wearing tight jeans and a few bold women have been found belly when she lifted her arms a few inches too high, while Will We RockThem. How bold out-of-control things can get?
Add fuel to the fire, were served drinks! I do not mean coke, I mean alcoholic brew beverages.The evil - which presumably increases the audacity aggregate dangerous seismic levels.
Although 20 of the offenders were sentenced audacity to prison and lashings, the Saudi religious police actually arrested a total of 433 foreigners, 240 of them are women. This stuff is much bolder infidels in a cop shop.
Okay, the kingdomenforces Islamic law. But why do they focus on Muslims. Foreigners in the kingdom who are not Muslims and not by Sharia law should not be bothered to keep and socializing in the manner they see fit.
This kind of cultural and religious tyranny, makes it difficult to see Dick Cheney and other Bush people grinning and smiling, but not () to be cheeky, as they stroll arm in arm with Saudi potentates. To export on the one hand, Bush harps on the sacred mission of democracy, and on theOn the other hand, he is clothed in bed with the oligarchs, deep down despise everything a good democracy. A bit of a paradox?
The last time King Abdullah has been at the Crawford ranch, there was a picture of him leading Bush around his arm, as if the president was a little boy who needed to be told a thing or two. Which is true ... preferably not just sitting on the knee of the Abdullah-of-the-Dunes.
What about the rights of foreign workers in Saudi Arabia? Should not ourEmbassies and even like to have something to say about Condoleezza Rice, are threatened as a foreigner in the kingdom by flogging and imprisonment for "impudent party"? A term that remains at best unclear.
Without oil would and Mecca, Saudi Arabia, not even a fraction of the influence they have today. These two factors were randomly allocated to the gifts, the Saudi-generation descendant and generates both wealth and power.
I wonder whether there is a punishment for "naughtyIllusion-of-size "?
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How I Lost 100 Pounds
I have some good and some bad news for you. The good news is that I lost a hundred pounds. The bad news is, it's the same twenty-five pounds for the fourth time.
Looking at me you will not believe that I became a young extremely thin - not to say that I charged the electronic eye of the door at Shop Rite, just by focusing on the parking lot. I'm not so huge. I have a small spare tire. Unfortunately it is not a bike tire, it is more in theLine something that would on a piece of John Deere machinery.
I was very thin in high school. How thin was I? Well, I was so thin when I turned sideways and stuck my tongue, I would like a zipper. Yes, I have them all. When I went into a pool room, someone would chalk my head. If I had red hair, I would like a match to look like. I was so thin, I had to run around the shower to get wet. High school kids could be really cruel. I do not mind, though, because I made fun ofFat kids.
Then something happened. I discovered food. Food, until then was just an excuse to sit at a desk and met my father for ten dollars.
As I got older, in my twenties, I started noticing how my pants would take a huge breath in order to obtain hard to get. I thought they were the cleaners shrink. Then, one day, I breathed, unbuttoned my pants and exhaled. My Button broke a window, stuck my neighbors eye, and was last seen orbiting Mercury.
That's when Ithe startling realization that I must have some weight set. There were two solutions to this problem do: (1) a diet, or (2) buy bigger clothes. I opted for solution # 2 Finally, I was relatively young. It was enough time to go on a diet.
I thought the choice of solution # 2 every time one of my trouser buttons seriously a family member or a legacy would be to disable the current target as a result of my gluttony.
The terrible truth came when I attended aRamada Inn in Cape Coral, Florida. I came from a steam-filled shower, I saw a glimpse of me, naked, in a full length mirror. If you ever go on a diet if you have to wonder, try about themselves into a full length mirror, naked. It's not a pretty sight. There I was in the mirror, the same person I was fun in school. I had come full circle. Actually, I looked like a full circle.
I knew that the time had come to start a diet, but what about diet? Itried to Stillman, eight glasses of water per day, diet, but then I developed a new problem ... Bedwetting.
I have tried exercise. I bought one of these Fonda workout tapes ... not Jane, Henry. (It is an extremely low impact workout.)
Nothing worked. The more I tried to lose, I would get more frustrated. I walk into a restaurant and order the food dish and a side of lasagna.
I did not want to join one of those "groups" because all they talk about their diet, even if theyNot to be members. ( "I had to shake the most delicious tuna today. Tomorrow I will try the cabbage flavor.")
Then it came to me. How to eat the food I like, but not in hippo pods? Could the solution so simple? Or am I just fooling myself?
I have a vow to lose this weight once and for all taken. (I have sworn) on Route Jenny Craig's Mark. I have to go only nine pounds. So far, the Battle of the Bulge was successful and all the other heirloomsare intact.
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Photo Speeding Ticket
Photo nodules are the easiest way for a defendant to prove that they are not guilty and escape scot-free. When radar Plying a vehicle quickly spotted on the streets, suggests the computer is to click the camera image from the rear and the front of the vehicle or the vehicle and tried, especially on the license plate and the driver to concentrate. Later evidence has been sent, or sent to the registered address. There are many reasons that people as a result of speeding ticket problems could be confronted. Quoted issuedAll those who cross the speed limit while driving. Each area has a speed limit. Every part on the street have. The reason for this is that every road is expected that various types of traffic flow have. Thus, the speed limit has been decided. Well, if someone speeds, the traffic authorities to grant him learn a ticket, to ensure that he or she learns the right lesson and follow the rules in the long run. Photo radar is one of the possibilities in this area. It is appropriate thatnot only for those who faced them, but also for the person who sends it out.
But there are people also use loopholes in the law. It is not difficult to get out of this type of ticket. The easiest way would be to simply have the ticket in the-dump. You could also cite reasons such as not receiving the copy, because you will not be prosecuted for ".
Another possibility for the use of defense in the case is a photo ticket, because the computer is the prosecutor, apparently the computerdoes not appear as a defense in court. Even if you do not identify themselves accused when the case is still weak.
There are two other ways to get out of the photo tickets and the photo in vain in the yard. To decipher the license plate application of a paint layer. In this way the number on the plate appears to the naked eye, but will not differ on the camera. With so many gaps in many states have abandonedcompletely.
The debate continues whether photo radar is legal and fair What happens when the camera recorded the wrong car and made the innocent pay the fine? These questions remain unanswered. Thus, the argument continues in the court and in the news.
In order to withdraw the funds, right is high in the photo-radar ticket, so this technique was not very successful. The law should not foolproof, in any case, some more changes.
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To the devout, the small Feels - Secrets to God for the preservation of the faithful Christian men and women
Hey America:
Once born in the 1950s, I am old enough to have witnessed with my own eyes too many changes in the American Society for impiety. For example, I remember when was the character of television really soft and pure in nature. A time when the actors do not even utter a bad word, or an actor in the role of men and women think kissing would not really, but only pretend to do so, as well as actors and actresses that are used in the role of marriedSingle beds, instead of in the same bed with someone who was not in fact be seen their marriage partner. Yes, I know. Such thoughts are considered childish and "puritanical" and also like something out of ignorance of the dark times. But history confirms that played during this time in our country, the common major offensive in the High School Playing truant from the class, or wads of chewing gum or throwing spear, and today every kind of diabolical practice is found in ourpublic schools, drugs and alcohol, fornication and every kind of fornication, as well as weapons and violence are often seen in the schools in our country, and a growing involvement in the study and practice of the occult.
Loved America, a nation that God, and who still claims these words printed on their money, "In God We Trust", now more than 40 million people were murdered by abortion, has a divorce rate of nearly 70% of The first time marriages in whichapproximately 50% of the population do not bother to get married not to, but just live together ". Where many of his men are charged 50% tax, in which the federal government seized ten years to ten years, more and more control over the lives of citizens it is. America is now at the point where it seems to have our government also committed treason against his own people by destroying the Twin Towers in New York. (If you think that was the destruction of the Twin Towers a foreign terrorist act, thenNeed to "investigate," and on other websites post irrefutable evidence that our own government charged) America, where our televisions are filled with debauchery and violence. The United States of America, where manhood is reached at a historic low, so that the women generally in our homes, our churches and in all levels of our government. America, where the arrogance, debauchery and ill behavior in our youth. Where pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry. Where 99% of itsWomen dress in a manner that by law is an abomination to God. (ie, in which she adorns herself in pants like a man would be, instead of fulfilling the law of Jehovah (Deut. 22:5) and the Association in a distinctively different style than what would be a man) American, where fewer and fewer preachers preach against sin and prayer halls are by in large empty or filled with selfish requests.
Is there a rest in the middle of the back-slidden population that loves God and wishes to be true?Yes, I think there is, and it is those who want their hearts to be with the Great Walk, and found true to Him, that I dedicate this article.
How to use God in Black-generation Slidden Walk?
I think the secret is simple and purely found abiding in the fullness of the Lord Jesus Christ. And because His kingdom is not from this world, then unto Him will not follow the wisdom of this world, but will be found in a number of paradoxes. Inthe recognition and practice of these paradoxes of Christian faith will find the victory and safety. It was, in practice, these paradoxes that our nation has accomplished fathers and mothers of this nation under God. If we are a positive part in ensuring that America fulfill as a "nation under God", then we need to do the same. For a nation can never be better than the combination of people. If there are people and families are sick and sinful, then the nation is ill andsinful.
- To be strong, you must first become weak. Only when we get to the end to come and live for ourselves after this manner, the power of the Lord in full to find us. For it is written: ... My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. (Part 2 Cor. 12:9 KJV)
- To be wise, one must first become a fool. Only when we learn that man has no wisdom in his own right can we ever hope to attain wisdom. For it is thenthat we begin to know that God only answers that work, so we need to apply if we would be wise to put a stop to do things after the manner themselves and the world. For it is written: For the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him: ... For it is written, I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and brings nothing to the understanding of the prudent .... of the foolishness of God is wiser than man, and God's weakness morethan men. (Parts 1 Cor. 1: 19, 25 and 1 Corinthians 2:14 KJV)
- Way to be, you must be thinking at first be willing to foolishly. Face it, a man in his mid-generation (but they could towel themselves) in any religious form, is thought to himself given to the careful obedience to Jesus Christ, extreme and foolish, and the only reason one has ever surrender to the Lord of thumb that he finds that the Lord is smarter then what he is. For since in the wisdom of God through the worldWisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe ... But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block (the crucified life, or an obedient life is a stumbling block for many), and the Greeks foolishness. (Christ is foolishness, a man-centered way of thinking)
- To increase you first must degrade its own. The prophet Isaiah testified that he raised up the Lord and the heavenly beings and surrounded saw hisThrone, and cried: "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts: the whole earth is full of his glory." (Isaiah 5:3 KJV) Jehovah is the Creator of all things, both visible and invisible. He is no limitation in intelligence, wisdom and power. He looks down from heaven and sees the children of people living as little tiny dots on the ground. Who among the people to teach the Lord? Can something that is created to instruct, the one that created it? Although so often filled with pomp and arrogancecan the governments of the world God's sovereignty? Exactly how the prophet spoke and said, "Behold, the nations are like a drop in a bucket, and are counted as small dust of the balance: behold, he takes the islands as a very little thing." (Isaiah 40:15 KJV) So, who can get the audience with the Lord? Who is moving it can attract his attention, so that the Great on his or her interests? I'll tell you who it is. It is that man or woman who wipes himself with humility,and that is to increase the god in his own time, will lead to fame and position. For it is written: "For thus saith the high and lofty One that dwells eternity, the name, the Holy One, I live in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit to revive the spirit of humility to return to enliven the heart of the contrite ones. (Isaiah 57:15 KJV)
- To be first thing to last place behind the Lord, and then behind the other. No, that's not the way of the natural manwhoever seeks himself, always on the lookout for "number one". But it is the way of the master who in his being God, humbled himself and took upon himself took the form of a servant, and then while in the shape of a human being not only the traces of the father is found in a life filled with holiness but also a life to fill in others. Who does not in itself the creator and master of all things to do, not in these things, but to be completely emptied,and although spotlessly innocent was finally crushed, betrayed and publicly mocked, and hung naked on a cruel cross for the sins of all people. So I will say. Like it or not understand it or not. In order to put themselves last behind the Lord and the good of others (according to the will of God) is the way of the master. So it is good enough for me, and I suggest that it is good enough for one man for the way the master is the path of peace and final victory.
- To bemost have to try it, the servants. Was not this kind of life illustrates not only through the Lord Jesus, but by the early apostles? In particular, I think of the Apostle Paul, after his conversion to the truth never stopped during the coarse of his life trying to be a blessing to others that he never stopped working to serve others, to find the name of Christ. It is obvious that this man does not believe his life was more important than the needs of others. Who can countthe names of all that through the influence of Jesus as a life lived since that time? And because in his life time, both of St. Paul, a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ and those who had been rescued, he has given the lasting honor as a human-agent authoring not less than 13 books of the Bible. Whose name and story is well known for multi-millions around the world. He has now honor both men and in the presence of the saint, because he wanted the glory of God and the goodothers in the name of the Lord.
- To win the greatest treasure that needs to (let go of it or even throw away) all other treasures. Yes, amen to this! It has been said: "He is no fool who gives up what he can not keep to gain what he can not lose." The believing men and women must learn from it, this is really one of the schools of the Holy Spirit. You have to learn to keep all things with an open hand. Do not reach too hard, just gripping firmly to the Lord Himself and His promises, buthim to the elaboration of details in his time and way, and others are in all respects to be free agents, responsible to surrender to the grace of God. Whether money or the resources money can buy, or it is time, an energy, a hope for the future, or perhaps in terms of relationships. You can not force herself to love again, you can not be by force, loyalty, love, respect or obedience. One can only, not according to his abilities and understanding of its best andto create hope for a true and lasting answer in the other, but in the end, every soul of man a free agent in such a state is responsible only to God. Dear brothers and sisters, it's all free, which was given us by God for our joy and benefits, as we to do his will in the earth. But let's not owned or controlled by anything. Each of us in dominion over the elements of our life, but then have the elements of our life, the rule over us.
- To win victory aneed to learn to walk in surrender. Here is another paradox. For to win, exactly what you are looking for, you must learn to let it. This principle in the relationship works in child parents, wife, husband, employee to employer, and most fundamentally, it is seen in the relationship of the believer in the Lord Jesus. I suggest that this principle works in all relationships, where, in reference to another. Waived if the template itself over into violence on thehis life, especially when to do calmly and without complaint or wrong, he will find that the heart of the person who has authority in relation to his person starts to open, and for this reason in the template must begin with what they wished. It is in this way to work with children, parents, wife, husband, worker against the employer. It is very difficult for one in authority, even if in the past acted on under the auspices of the Authority with a hard andfoolish heart, continue to do so, if those under his authority to him to behave in a manner provided, with a mind that is calm and without guile. This writing is to some extent the reality of describing how the victory is persuaded by capitulation By patience a prince and a gentle tongue can break bones to win. (Proverbs 25:15 KJV) Now, this is guaranteed to be 100% of the time in the working relationships among people? No, it can not. But it is a very large part of thethe time when the party is presented by their faith to exercise patience. In terms of a Believer dealing with the Lord Jesus. Yes, it always works, as far as what are the wishes of the believer to the will of God. And if it turns out that the Believer desires are not at the will of God, then the submission to the Lord Jesus is his (her) heart lead to be changed so that the believer is no longer wish to continue what he or she wanted in the past.
- To befull must be learned, always hungry. To the carnal sense, this statement sounds like "a lot of religious Double Talk". This is so because the wisdom of God is foolishness to those who received not the love of truth. The truths of the kingdom of God can not by those who are not perceived to be regenerated. This truth is what Jesus said in reference when he said to the woman at the well: "But whoever drinks the water that I shall give him will never thirst, but theWater that I shall give him will sprout in him a spring of water in the eternal life. "(John 4:14 KJV) In this verse, it is suggested that you need to drink and keep on drinking the water of life to be filled and not thirsty. I've always found this truth to be. I've noticed that whenever I thirst for him most at the same time I feel full and satisfied as possible. The things of the world does not affect a soul that way. For if we in carnal things we participatewill find that she is leaving us a feeling of emptiness, their satisfaction very present and always leaves the soul of man with a void. If you choose us, then for a life in abundance then you need to choose to want to Christ and His righteousness continuously.
In order to be good, you must first recognize and admit that you are bad. Well, if all other matters not how much sound of this duplicity is safe for the un-regenerated. What is meant by this statement? Quite simply, that inTo participate in the goodness that Jesus is for the children of men, we must first recognize that he is in itself mean and dirty. That no man's soul is in itself pure. None! It is only in the recognition of this truth, one is called on the Lord Jesus, of his forgiveness and a place in the family of God. I can guarantee you that the realization of this truth is why I came to the rescue of Jesus, and why should I since that time (now many years ago)every day and to look any further. Because I realize that in myself, it's not a good thing. That there is no justice in me, which I can earn eternal life and a place in the presence of the Lord. The fact that only in Jesus Christ, I can be a position of righteousness. Because the truth is that he was the righteous sin for me to pay and then died a miserable death on the cross for that sin. He did this so that I (and all others who believe that) they share in his righteousness, whereby allwho believe that pleases God, who is holy, and who could not accept because of his holiness, before someone because of the wickedness of man. (sin) My friend is the best news I've ever heard!
A guard
Gregory A. DeHart
How to Turn a Woman on
Today I'm going a little off track. I have been receiving emails asking too many questions, but an issue is mentioned more frequently than others.
Sex. And how do you fine.
Most people think that they are automatically in the big bag. That drive her mad skills on the women in bed. The bad news - this is rarely the case. The good news - these things can be taught!
Sex is important. If you bring a woman to a level of sexual pleasure theyhas never experienced, she will never forget. It is now a legend in her head, and her attraction to you will rocket.
Today I will look at, how to turn a woman. Below I have a few things you can do to order your woman wild in the drive.
1) Sensual Language - There is a big difference between sensual language and sexually explicit language. Girls like to hear the ideas, feelings and emotions described in detail in a sensual way. Tone or a "sexyVoice "is a big plus.
2) Touch - This is a big part of turning a girl on. Most guys whiz past this part without knowing how important it is. Girls like to touch caress, caressed, cuddled, etc. Now you can not do this if you with it, but if you alone with her, make sure to devote some time in this area.
3) Smells - even once noticed that women love to smell flowers? Girls Love scents. And a great Cologne has the ability to attract a girl.
Even women loveIt is to be smelled. Take time to smell while stroking her hair. Odor, while kissing her neck. Tell her how great she smells. These simple gestures can go. Believe me.
4) taste - while lying on the couch or in bed, feed a girl things like strawberries, chocolates or champagne.
Notice how the above four points deal with all their senses. Due to the stimulation of certain senses, put it in "the mood".
Women do not get visually aroused as men. They can be veryare also attracted to a man, but her other senses play a greater role when it attracted to sexually.
Little things, like running your finger raised, for example on their thighs or hands and kissed her earlobes so often to her than just a good guy with his shirt.
You want to build a fire in her. Resist your urge to pounce on them and only their clothes. I know, I know. It can be difficult. But on the little things that you reapRewards.
Kiss her gently. Pull back and they look in the eyes of one or two seconds, then gently start kissing again. Try to stimulate all their senses. Make it into a sensual experience.
This structure, they get so excited that they just can not resist any longer. With a little practice you'll see exactly how to stimulate their senses.
I think that is where I will leave it for today. I'll discuss the formation of anticipation and certain sexual techniques in anotherArticle. It is so important to learn the basics, how to put on a woman before it learns, not what make her into the sack. Finally, you have to get there first do not you!?
For those who do extra effort to learn more about how a woman in the eighth contact you to visit my website and are free for the course from and learn how to successfully work with women. You will learn not only had the greatest lover a woman ever, but I also have a look at other areas of wear, and how theWomen of your dreams.
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Five Steps to Dressing Your Naked With the Perfect Resume Cover Letter
Do you have clothes to wear your last job interview? Silly question, right? As unthinkable as it would be to get naked in an interview, you are essentially committing the same faux pas when sending your resume to a potential employer is neither a well-written cover letter.
Three Indisputable Truths About Cover Letters
Whether we are talking here about a cover letter, or your best interview suit, three undeniable truths.
Firstly, as a goodInterview suit, a cover letter is essential. At some point in your life before you started your career, a wise man you recommended to buy a quality business suit. And you did just that. Somewhere in your closet hanging black, navy blue or gray suit, which you reserve for your interviews. No employer has a reasonable candidate, professional attire is expected to tell the interview. Even in creative industries, it is assumed that the candidate should fill in andBusiness suit, but more room for color and style possibilities than in the traditionally conservative areas. Similarly, unless the job announcement is nothing but expect a potential employer that the applicant will submit a cover letter. Although the announcement may not expressly provide that a letter is preferred, it is always advisable to take, if for no other reason than to demonstrate how effectively you communicate your ideas and thoughts canwriting.
Secondly, adds a cover letter to your resume. One goal of an interview is to project a confident presence and a polished appearance. In preparation for your interview you will be your suit dry-cleaned, patched the seams, and secure any loose keys. You can also use your strength shirt or blouse and polish your shoes. To make your ensemble carefully the perfect accessory, perhaps a gold clock, necklace, or leather attache. Just as theright accent pieces can improve your interview clothes, including a well-written cover letter can add to the attractiveness of your resume. If you lay out your wardrobe for your upcoming interview, you would not intend to wear two shirts, two jackets and two pairs of pants. Similarly, you should not write your letter just be a duplication of the information in your resume. Think you admire in your cover letter as a final brush strokes on a masterpiece of painting.
Thirdly, a coverWriting is tailored. My interview suit is tailored to fit you perfectly. The pants are neither too short nor too long, the jacket sleeve. You can give your clothes to a friend, but it would not be nearly as wonderful view of him or her because it's tailored for you. Done in the same way, the most effective cover letter does not read as if they could fit any position. Instead, they are tailored to the specific position for which the applicant is applying the fit. In otherWords, if you want to submit your resume to ten different positions, you must write ten different cover letters. Nothing signals a questionable work ethic get more to a potential employer, as a general cutter cover letter if it is found that the applicant had not much more than the change of date and cutting and pasting the recipient contact information.
COVER The formula for writing a cover letter
Writing the perfect cover letter does not become aTorture. In fact, it can as simple as spelling COVER. COVER is an acronym for a five-step-paragraph-by-paragraph approach that you can use to write an effective cover letters. In the following pages I will show you how to use the COVER formula and the announcement for the position for which you have the application as a practical guide for the perfect addition to your resume trade.
To illustrate how this works, we will have a real job announcement that has been used recently posted on a popular onlineConstruction site. The initial position was for a personal assistant at a consulting firm that Atlanta, for the purposes of this article, we as ABC Consulting. Suppose that you have read the job announcement and would like to apply for the job. Your resume is ready. Now we write the letter!
First Step: Maintain a connection in the first paragraph. COVER The C in the formula stands for the connection. The first step in creating the perfect cover letter is to establisha connection in the first paragraph. When you are introduced to someone, try talking to the person to get to know each other better and discover what these two have in common. The same principle applies in the cultivation of an authentic connection with a potential employer.
To build a connection with an employer, you have to perform what I call intelligence. The intelligence is carried out at three different levels: (1) the company or organization to which you would work, (2) thespecific department or area that would be where you work, and (3) the person (s) for which you were working. Your homework on a potential employer has a twofold purpose. First, the training itself on a company will help you to better assess if the company responsible for the values and culture with their own goals and working methods are compatible. Secondly, if you choose, there is a good fit, the person reading your cover letter or sitting across the desk from you during the interviewwill be impressed that you took the initiatve the company for which you are striving for the work examined. I suggest creating a file (as simple as a file folder) for each company you are, where you can organize your notes, save your printouts and save your correspondence. Thus, all have important information in one place for quick reference and are available for later recall.
Getting back to the sample job advertisement posted by ABC Consulting. Here are the basic description for the job isPosition:
ABC Consulting is located in downtown Atlanta, GA is currently seeking a professional, bright, experienced and hard working Human Resources Assistant for our corporate office. If you are a bright person who intends, in the HR field in a great work record level position, and loves to work in a fast-paced environment, this could be the experience for you! "
The first crucial piece of information in the job description we get is the name of the recruiting companies. Armed withthat information is your first step on the official company Web site to visit. Pay special attention to the pages showing the company's philosophy, culture, core values, vision and mission. While there, you will want to familiarize themselves with the history of the company and the names of its officers or board members. Also, I suggest that you read the media page to see current press releases. This is an excellent resource to learn about all the community service initiativesmay be involved with the company. After you resume the review of the company's website, his head on his Twitter and Facebook pages to your research. Due to the fluid nature of social networking, you can find the latest news events. The last frontier of research at the level of firms can, using the Internet search engines like Google and Bing.
The second stage of the intelligence you need to conduct at the department level. While on the corporate website,Are you looking for a link for the department where you would work. There you can find a staff directory, a statement of the newly established programs, links to online newsletters and other valuable information.
The third level of intelligence is at the individual level. When the job announcement includes the name of the person who would tell you, or if you can find out this information, verify that the person be included biographical details on the official website of the company.You may also want to check whether the person has a profile on social-networking outlets such as LinkedIn and Facebook. Remember that your goal is to find out what things you shared with your potential boss. For example, you can at the alumni of the same university, belong to the same professional group or association or shares a unique hobby or interest.
Once you have completed your research and prepared to give some thought to how you take on an aspect of what youlearned in the first paragraph of your cover letter, to maintain a connection.
Suppose, for example, that their investigation showed that ABC Consulting employees helped build a habitat for Humanity "House in the last month. If you are there regularly as a volunteer with Habitat for Humanity, you can connect to the company with the Declaration My personal commitment to work with Habitat on previous projects and reflects the enthusiasm with which you look forward to working with the companyabout their future projects.
If you research on the human resources department and learned that it would launch a software program for the first time next month and you have used the program in a previous position, you can use this community as the basis for a connection:
"Please, this cover letter and resume in the attached application to Human Resources Assistant to take place in your company. I had the opportunity to visit your official website. Ito understand from reading the newsletter in December 2009 that the Human Resources Department plans to transition from the current software system to the PeopleSoft system in March. In my previous position, I helped train 10 people in my department to use, such as PeopleSoft. "
Through your research at the individual level, you may have learned that persons to whom you were working sheet completed by your alma mater's rival. When you compose a cover letter to the person, the firstText may contain the following link:
"I read in your online biography that you are actively involved in the University of Alabama Alumni Association - Atlanta Chapter. I can assure you that this has no bad feelings about Florida Gator last year's SEC Championship Game."
The care will form a connection over all at the beginning of a relationship. People want other people they like and they work with similar interests and values. It follows that if youcan cultivate an authentic connection in your cover letter and you have the required qualifications the employer is looking, there is a much higher probability you will be invited to an interview.
Step two: a brief overview of who you are in the second paragraph. The O stands for the formula in the cover sheet. As you deliver your resume look great, what you have done, it is equally important to devote a few sentences to describe in your cover letter telling us who you are. Ideallythe connection that you had in the first paragraph enough to read the person reading your letter to be further promoted. You must now seize the moment to raise this context, in your second paragraph.
One way to do this is to work out your personal brand statement, if you include in your resume. In my article with the title, it is time to reconsider your resume MO new?, I write about the importance of including a strong brand statement on your resume. An effective brand statementweave your strengths into tangible benefits that you offer a potential employer. You can use the summary section of your cover letter to explain any aspect of your brand statement in more depth. Another option is to explain why you wanted to pursue a particular career. Perhaps you are passionate about the promotion of environmental issues, lobbying for children with special needs, or writing advertising copy. Infuse the enthusiasm that you have to pursue your professional passion in the envelope --Letter to a potential employer, you show that same level of dedication to bring the position.
Step three: VOICE your interest in the position in the second paragraph. COVER The V in the formula stands for voice. In the first two or three sentences of the second paragraph, said the person reading your cover letter more about who you are. In the next few sentences, you want to connect, which is about why you are interested in the position. Think about what you are promptedAnswer to the job announcement, or explain how you felt when you learned on the job. Take out a part of the intelligentsia in step one, two or three good reasons why you on this special list of employers.
Returning to the ABC Consulting job announcement, here is an example of how our cover letter looks so far, second, including the paragraph:
"Please take this letter and resume in enclosed application for Human ResourcesAssistant position in your company. I had the opportunity to visit the official website. I understand from reading the newsletter in December 2009 that the Human Resources Department plans to transition from the current software system to the PeopleSoft system in March. In my previous position, I helped train 10 people in my department how to use PeopleSoft.
Until five years ago, I ran a small internet-based business from my home. A chance meeting a friend at the dinner party changedMy way forever. It was there where a mutual friend introduced me to Jane Doe, the then Chairman of the Board of the Society for Human Resource Management - Atlanta. Our conversation ignited a longstanding desire to work in the personnel area. I was excited to learn of this opening with ABC Consulting because of the ongoing collaboration with local agencies, including the Atlanta Community Food Bank, where I have a volunteer for the past ten years. I was impressed to readon your business blog that ABC Consulting was one of the best restaurants in Atlanta for a third consecutive year of work. "
Fourth step: Add the concrete examples of your experience and skills in the third and fourth paragraph. COVER The E in the formula stands for examples. In the previous two She cultivates a connection with your potential employer and explain why you wanted to work for the company. Over the next two paragraphs, you must notify yourSales pitch, explaining the specific value you can give to the employer. The instructions in the job announcement are the blueprint for your purchase. Most Jobs include a description of the duties of the position and essential functions, required and preferred education, experience, skills and abilities, or a combination thereof. This is where we begin.
To understand how to approach your purchase, let us return to our hypothetical Human Resources Assistant Positionat ABC Consulting. The expanded mission statement appears below:
"HR Assistant performs a wide range of staff functions under the procedure set forth by the Human Resources Department. Assists in hiring and firing process, the company hiring and orientation programs. Compiles, holds and manages all aspects of personnel policy of the corporate records. Board reports on the disability and the date and reason for termination. Compiles various HR reports. Oversees HRRecognition programs, files have exhibit periods of employment, is recruiting files and provides information to authorized persons, as required. Payroll function monitors compliance with accounting guidelines, acts as a link between the HR department, its managers and PEO as necessary. "
In addition, the announcement listed 19 major functions. I have the first five listed below:
1. Code of Conduct New Hire Orientation; company personnel policies, services and processes to explain to employees or jobapplicants.2. Examine employee files to respond regularly to federal and compliance requirements on behalf of the company. Responds to management and government investigations provide information for personnel decisions. 3. Answer questions regarding examinations, eligibility, salaries, benefits and other pertinent information. 4. Maintain process for verifying and documents relating to personnel activities such as personnel, recruitment, training, unemployment claims and appeals work with externalProviders through the provision of information at the right time. Maintenance of company job descriptions, assists in the comp requested studies. Maintain performance evaluations and classifications. 5. Gather personnel from other departments or staff.
Job tasks and functions are listed generally in order of importance. When applying for a position that endeavor, the first three tasks and functions in your cover letter address. If you do not meet your experience the best three, get the list in chronologicalUntil you identify three. With the key words and phrases in the job announcement, quantifiable and concrete examples of your work experience. For example, when applying for the Human Resources Assistant position you detail in this paragraph, your experience in the implementation of new employee orientation, maintaining personnel files, and answering employee HR issues. Here is an example of how the third paragraph in your cover letter to ABC Consulting might look like this:
"In mycurrent role at company XYZ, I am intimately involved in every phase of life of our employees' cycle. I support in recruiting new employees, including co-ordinated career fairs, advertisements of job creation, continued screening and preparing offer letters. I invite lead two-day orientation program during boarding, new employees will benefit with companies to familiarize the policy and procedures. I also maintain accurate payroll and personnel records for the 125 employees in our office. During a typical day, IInterface with employees, all levels of management and external agencies, as authorized personnel to answer questions and provide requested information. "
The ABC Consulting job announcement also listed should have preferred many skills and qualities of a candidate. These include active listening, speaking, time management, critical thinking, writing, and proficiency with Microsoft Office products and HRIS software. In paragraph four would be your cover letter, describe, in particularSituations where you used two or three favorite of those skills. But more importantly, you should be able to articulate how you use these skills to make a valuable contribution to your potential employer. Here is an example of how the fourth paragraph in your cover letter might look like this:
Join "If extended the offer for your company, I am ready to make an immediate contribution in three ways. Firstly, I have two years for using the PeopleSoft software and have a high degree ofKnowledge. ABC Consulting as the switch is about this program in March, I can in training your staff on the system. Secondly, because I am comfortable speaking in front of each size class, I will be able to effectively represent your company in off-site recruiting events and provide concise information during new hire orientation. Last my current position is working on several projects at a time and the preparation of reports under strict time limits. These tasks areenabled me to raise the kind of time management and prioritization skills, which will be an asset to your business. "
Step Five: Ask for an interview in the fifth paragraph. The COVER R in the formula stands for request. In the preceding paragraphs, you have your sales pitch by concrete examples of your relevant work experience and qualifications. Received in the last paragraph of your letter, it is time to close the sale in requesting an interview. First you will want to statewhen and how you will deal with the person to whom you are writing invited for an interview. Second, you give your own contact information in case the recipient is through your resume and cover letter, he was impressed or you want to call them first to arrange an interview. Last, by all means, you should thank the person who read your cover letter for his time and attention. Here is an example of how the last paragraph in your cover letter to ABC Consulting might look like this:
"I am pleaseda conversation with you in detail how I can benefit from ABC Consulting. I will follow up by phone with you invited in a few days for an interview. Or you can reach me at (555) 555-5555. Thank you for your time and attention. "
Now we want to see coming as each of the elements in the formula together COVER ...
Sample Letter
Please accept this letter and resume in the attached application to Human Resources Assistant job in your company. Ihad the opportunity to visit your official website. [Connection] I understand from reading the newsletter in December 2009 that the Human Resources Department plans to transition from the current software system to the PeopleSoft system in March. In my previous position, I helped train 10 people in my department how to use PeopleSoft.
[SUMMARY] Until five years ago, I ran a small internet-based business from my home. A chance meeting at a friend's dinner partychanged my career forever. It was there where a mutual friend introduced me to Jane Doe, the then Chairman of the Board of the Society for Human Resource Management - Atlanta. Our conversation ignited a longstanding desire to work in the personnel area. [VOICE] I was excited to learn of this opening with ABC Consulting because of the ongoing collaboration with local agencies, including the Atlanta Community Food Bank, where I have a volunteer for the past ten years. I was alsoimpressed that he read on your business blog that became ABC Consulting as one of the best restaurants in Atlanta for a third consecutive year of work.
[Examples] In my current role at company XYZ, I am intimately involved in every phase of life of our employees' cycle. I support in recruiting new employees, including providing coordinated career fairs, advertisements of job creation, continued screening and preparation letters. I lead a two-day orientation and on boarding programfamiliarize new employees with company benefits, policies and procedures. I also maintain accurate payroll and personnel records for the 125 employees in our office. During a typical day, I interface with employees, all levels of management and external agencies, as authorized personnel to answer questions and provide requested information.
[Examples] When joining extended the offer for your company, I am ready to make an immediate contribution in three ways. First, I have usedthe PeopleSoft software program for two years and have a high degree of competence. ABC Consulting as the switch is about this program in March, I can in training your staff on the system. Secondly, because I am comfortable speaking in front of each size class, I will be able to effectively represent your company in off-site recruiting events and provide concise information during new hire orientation. Last my current position is working on several projectsand the preparation of reports under strict time limits. These tasks would have allowed me to raise the kind of time management and prioritization skills, which will be an asset to your company.
[Question] I'm looking forward to speaking with you in detail how I can benefit from ABC Consulting. I will follow up by phone with you invited in a few days for an interview. Or you can reach me at (555) 555-5555. Thank you for your time and attention.
The sample letterprovided above is simply that ... a sample. Use the formula COVER described in this article as a guide for a cover letter that best expresses your personality, qualifications, design, and the desire to interview for the job you want to land. The time you invest to a potential employer research and craft a carefully worded letter will stand you apart from your competition and dividends in the long run if your phone is ringing off the hook with interview opportunities!
© Copyright 2010MARIGOLD CONSULTING. All rights reserved.
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The Olympic lesson of patience and commitment for 2010 America
The Winter Olympics were hired to Vancouver on 12 February opens later with the Paralympics following a month. Until then, would be America's new world-friendly president be in office for just over a year.
At this time, the new American president and vice-versa a global economic crisis had begun to mend damaged America's image in the world after eight years of a bellicose conservative government. Despite dire warnings were up about downhill support for his agendain the American population. America would be appropriate to take a cue from the essence of the Olympic Games and the athletes participating in such events in order to begin the message that America's national disease of Attention Deficit Disorder can be overcome and keep the renovation is in midterm elections.
To make a beginning, as a reminder of failed independent and liberal Obama's radical change in America during his first year in office, it disappoints growingis the fact that the Olympic Games are not an impromptu street hockey session, but a series of matches played formalized set of rules. These rules are the equivalent of America's infrastructure, its institutions and its legislative, administrative and executive constructs. The foundation on the mechanisms accounts for the country that are built not only big, but firm in their position.
In 2010, the Iron Curtain in Eastern Europe was only 20 years in the past.Many in the neighborhood of 200 countries in the world, including the states of the former Soviet Union, fought to establish the rule of law in order to get to the global prosperity highway. Their lack of infrastructure, enforce the law, was their major handicap.
In contrast, the Constitution of the United States accounts for the size of the country, through the amendments which are gained over time, rights for women and minorities are at an advanced stage as a global civilization. The need to think of the established constitutional rulesthe reason why the Western industrial nations, the world's first non-white leader not just the American system to dismantle and abandon with Wall Street and all the experts, as expected, liberals and independents. Defined rules allows for a continuous, sustainable improvement.
The regular cycle of the Olympic Games and the U.S. elections are in 2010 America, another parallel to be observed. The Winter and Summer events will take all four years in alternating cycles. This was made an OlympicEvent in the world every two years. Even in America, presidential elections are to be found all four years with midterm elections in between, which means that the political parties are on the national stage every two years.
Like Olympic athletes, but not the American politicians do not wait passively for their next great turning point in public. You will develop and practice skills by competing in local, national and regional events. A loss does not knock them out of contention. It tightens its determinationperfect skills for the next event to stay in the race.
America's new president is just that in his field. His response to criticism is an indication of its growing capabilities in conveying a message from a "lesson learned", instead of suffering a defeat. Whether for health care reform, national security or the financial sector reform, he remains on course with view of the progress, without complaint about unrealistic expectations in a year. It should be noted, have four years of Olympic athletesto prepare the next assessment of their performance.
Finally, the great lesson of the Olympics for 2010 America's global relations, and concerns the role of race in the sense of the world dynamically updated. There was a time in American baseball, for example, when Jackie Robinson broke the racial barrier in 1947. Through the global Olympic Games in 2010, racial differences in sport, as in the entertainment industry, one of which is given, and an undisputed source of strength.
America brought the dimension ofethnic diversity as a strength in the world of global power with the 2008 election. In 2010, the Americas and the world had to do when presented to expand the horizons of old games acclimatize made available globally through new technologies influence attitudes and policies.
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